International Conferences & Exhibition on Nanotechnologies & Organic Electronics, 4-11 July 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2015 is the largest annual event in Europe and it includes the premier and internationally established events:

  • 8th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE15) 6-9 July
  • 12th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN15) 7-10 July
  • 9th International Summer Schools "N&N, OE & Nanomedicine" (ISSON15) 4-11 July
  • 5th NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2015, 6-10 July

For more information visit


Aristotle University and AIXTRON Collaborate in SMARTONICS Project

AIXTRON SE today announced that the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and AIXTRON will closely cooperate in the European SMARTONICS project started in January 2013. The project’s main focus is to propel market penetration of organic electronics.

Download the Press Release in pdf form.

6th Workshop

"Creating the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece"

Wednesday 30 October 2013, Electra Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece


The target of the Workshop is the formation of strategy and a policy for Organic & Printed Electronics (OEs) in Greece and the creation of the OEs Industry with the participation of scientists, engineers, industrial partners, final users, and representatives from regional and national authorities.

The subjects that will be discussed include the information for these activities as well as the prospects for their exploitation through entrepreneurial activities.


  • Smart Specialization and Key Emerging Technologies
  • The European Organic & Printed Electronics Sector
  • Entrepreneurial Activities & Associations in OEs
  • Organic Electronics Strart-Up & SME Companies in Greece
  • Applications and Manufacturing of OEs
  • Transition from Traditional to OEs and Smart Industry
  • VC, Investors adn Business to Realize OEs Industry

Below you can find the Workshop's poster & preliminary agenda.


workshop oct13_low  agenda workshop_oct2013

Find out more here.

International Conferences & Exhibition on Nanotechnologies & Organic Electronics, 5-12 July 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014 is the largest annual event in Europe and it includes the premier and internationally established events:

  • 7th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE14) 7-10 July
  • 11th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN14) 8-11 July
  • 8th International Summer Schools "N&N, OE & Nanomedicine" (ISSON14) 5-12 July
  • 4th NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2014, 7-11 July

For more info visit

International Conferences & Exhibition on Nanotechnologies & Organic Electronics, 6-13 July 2013, Porto Palace Conference Centre & Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2013 is the largest annual event in Europe and it includes the premier and internationally established events:

  • 6th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE13) 8-11 July
  • 10th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN13) 9-12 July
  • 7th International Summer Schools "N&N, OE & Nanomedicine" (ISSON13) 6-13 July
  • 3rd NANOTEXNOLOGY EXPO 2013, 8-12 July

For more info visit